
About our foodbank

Here is an introduction to the Ribble Valley foodbank

Ribble Valley foodbank is run in partnership with local churches and is part of the Ribble Valley Gateway Trust.

First opened in July 2013, last year our foodbank distributed 3 days’ food to 1560 people in crisis need in the Ribble Valley. Our foodbank was initiated by local Christians, and has two centres, one in Longridge, one in Ribble Valley, and a warehouse in Clitheroe, with 75 volunteers involved in the project.

In 2023 the foodbank became a Financial inclusion foodbank with the opening of the Olive Branch Advice cafe with the aim of providing multi agency support all in one location to meet the emergency needs of the foodbank clients.

The Olive Branch Cafe offers drop in advice and support on a Friday morning between 9.30 and 12.30 at the Trinity Community Hub off Parson Lane.
No appointment is required – advice and support is available from multiple agencies including debt, housing, health, children and family, CAB, job and training opportunities as well as access to the Clitheroe Foodbank.

Here is some of our Client Feedback 

What would you have done if this service hadn’t been there to provide emergency food to you?

  • Struggled and starved
  • End up selling things
  • Thieving
  • I would have suffered and had no one to turn to
  • Gone hungry
  • Gone without
  • Have no food to feed my 6 year old

How did foodbank help?

  • This is a great service
  • You have been wonderful………. thanks.
  • Everyone is helpful
  • I felt relieved when I left the foodbank. How kind people are
  • I felt happy and relieved.
  • My worries are gone for a few days, thank you
  • I had 11p and a loaf of bread at home when I came in, now I can feed my children. Thank you
After visiting some of our clients said:

“I felt a little unsure when I came if I was allowed due to working, but was told that’s fine and felt very welcome. I met some friendly people, who were very understanding and took the time to hear a person and not judge anyone. I honestly do not know what I would have done if this service wasn’t here – thank God they are here. I felt like someone cares, like there is good in people”

” I felt a bit shy when I came but the staff are very lovely and welcoming, very friendly and nice. The chat with the foodbank volunteer was very helpful and I would recommend them to someone any day. 10 out of 10! I felt happier and more relaxed when I left the centre” 

“I felt very comfortable and welcomed by everybody when I came, received with loving arms. I would have struggled if the service was not available. Everything was perfect, I am very grateful, thank you very much”

“I felt welcomed and comfortable when I came to the foodbank centre, and was received with a kind and caring demeanour – very respectful. I found the chat with a foodbank volunteer very informative and inviting. A brilliant service, I felt relieved and content when I left, thank you!”

Following a Quality Assurance Visit in August 2017 the Trussell Trust reported that our foodbank:
  • Is an outstanding project’
  • has ‘an excellent team of long-standing volunteers’
  • ‘provides comprehensive training and support to volunteers’
  • ‘strives to ensure that everything is the very best it can be for clients’
In summary the Trussell Trust said:

‘The foodbank is to be commended for the excellent project and The Trussell Trust is very proud to have the foodbank within the network’

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