Give Help

Donate food

Our foodbank relies on your goodwill and support.

Over 90% of the food distributed by foodbanks in The Trussell Trust network is donated by the public – that’s why your food donations are absolutely vital to our ability to give everyone referred to us a balanced and nutritious three day supply of food.

Our urgently needed food items list shows the items that we need right now. 

Generally, we usually have sufficient rice, pasta and cereals. We are unable to receive donations of alcohol or bottled water. 

If you are happy to drop off food donations, please see the table below for our food collection point locations.

Tesco has an arrangement with the Trussell Trust where they top up by 20% everything which is donated in their stores. Please note, the donation point is intended for in-store shoppers only. Please ensure that any food purchased elsewhere is sealed in a bag and clearly labelled as purchased elsewhere so that the top up can be calculated correctly.

Booths have an initiative whereby customers can buy one of selected items and the store will pay for another one to be donated to the Foodbank. More details here.

The warehouse at Ultraframe, Salthill Road, Clitheroe, BB7 1PE will also be open to receive deliveries on:

Tuesday 10am – 12 noon

Friday 9am – 10.30 am.

Location of food donation point
Clitheroe Foodbank, Trinity Methodist Church Community Hub, Wesleyan Row, Parson Lane, Clitheroe
Longridge Foodbank, St Paul’s Church, Church Street, Longridge
Tesco’s, Clitheroe
Booths, Clitheroe
Booths, Longridge
Sainsbury’s, Clitheroe
Sainsbury’s, Longridge
Lidl, Clitheroe
YMCA Clitheroe
YMCA Longridge
Spar Longridge
Salvation Army Clitheroe
St James’ Church, Clitheroe
Clitheroe Community Church, Millthorne Avenue, Clitheroe, BB7 2LE
St Paul’s Church, Clitheroe
Chipping Congregational Church


We always welcome donations and promise to use them to provide help to people in crisis. Occasionally we send food to other nearby foodbanks to support their work particularly if they experience shortages. This ensures your donations go to help people wherever in the UK they are.

Please contact us if you have any questions about donating food.

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